January 2007 Issue 19
Purebred Tarentaise Cattle
Miami, Oklahoma

Thank you for your interest in our Tarentaise Cattle, our operation, and the business of ranching in general.

This UPDATE will include the following:

1. Featured Bulls 
2. Winter Storm 2006
3. Newborn Slide Show
4. Frozen Fog
5. Heifer Availability

1. Featured Bulls, AA Patriot and AA Pirate

AA Patriot and AA Pirate make a great team.


Born and raised together.  Great disposition.  Fantastic style and look.


...click here to see several individual photos of each and their individual data.

2. Winter Storm 2006

December 1, 2006, Ankenman Ranch and most of Oklahoma experienced a crippling winter storm.

We had a day of wind and rain, followed by a day of sleet and culminating with final blast of 7-10" of drifting snow.

Since then, much of SE Colorado and the panhandle of Oklahoma was hit again.  We feel lucky to have escaped that storm.

...click here to view the photos I took of our snow.

3.  Newborn Slide Show  

If you missed this slide show from the Special Fall 06 Update, here it is again. 


The calf was alive, the cow was intent on her newborn and allowed us to watch, it was still daylight, the weather was warm, and I had my camera!


Click here to watch the slide show a newborn's first 15 minutes and a great mother in action!

4. Frozen Fog, Christmas 2006

We awoke the day before Christmas to what the weather man termed as "frozen fog". 

I didn't pay much attention due to the bustle of the holiday season, until I went outside to feed. 

The first chain I grabbed to open a gate was covered with fine and sharp points of frost.  As I looked around, the whole world was covered with these white delicate spikes, but the sun was beginning to beam through the fog and I knew I didn't have much time before the rays melted the "frozen fog" erasing all evidence of it's beauty.

...click here to see the fog's blanket

5. Heifer Availability

We did get this group of heifers A.I.'d  to Red Angus, just before the winter storm! 

The days were intense and my horse would head for the back of the pasture when I stepped out the door.  We don't usually ride every day, and very seldom twice a day for several days.

Click here for more photos of the heifers.


Next available group of young Heifers were born this Fall 06 and will be weaned in May 2007. Speak for yours today.

Have a great winter season.

Chris and Sandy Ankenman
Bill and Betty Ankenman
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Hope you will return soon. Sandy